Chiefs win opening game 12-10 in Overtime in Peterborough

The home team Peterborough Lakers and visiting Six Nations Chiefs first game of the MSL Championship series was everything it was expected to be.

The Lakers came out strong and built up a 2-0 lead by the three-minute mark on goals by Turner Evans and Mark Matthews.  However, the Chiefs settled down and by the end of the first period, led 3-2.  Goal scorers for Six Nations were Dhane Smith with a pair and Shayne Jackson with the single marker.

The second period saw the same back and forth on the scoreboard with the Lakers again scoring twice leading 4-3 on goals by Turner Evans and Josh Currier.  The Chiefs tied the game 4-4 on a short-handed effort by Tyson Bell.  The teams continued to exchange goals – Josh Currier for Peterborough; Chris Cloutier for Six Nations; followed by Holden Cattoni for the Lakers and Brendan Bomberry for the Chiefs.  The second period ended tied 6-6, setting the stage for what would be an incredible third period of action.

Tehoka Nanticoke gave Six Nations the lead for only the second time in the game when he scored at 3:45. Once again, the Lakers tied it on a marker from Joe Resetarits at 11:29.  Then, the drama cranked up.  Scoring their only power play goal of the game, Shayne Jackson notched a beauty off the tip of the crease to give the Chiefs an 8-7 lead with just over four minutes to play. Shawn Evans tied the game on a nifty play from in front of the net with less than two minutes to play. Dhane Smith sniped an absolute blast with 1:11 left in regulation time.  And once again, the Lakers tied the game with Shawn Evans on a backhand shot on the tip of the crease that somehow made it through the pads of Doug Jamieson.  This goal was on the powerplay with just 25 seconds left in the third period.

Overtime saw the Chiefs score twice within the first two minutes.  Tehoka Nanticoke split the defense drove to the net and scored.  That was followed up just four seconds later when Jeremy Thompson won the face-off went hard to the net and blasted a clean shot by goaltender Matt Vinc giving the Chiefs an 11-9 lead.  Josh Currier closed the gap to 11-10 when he netted a beauty of a backhander shot.  Kevin Brownell finished the game with an empty netter with just two seconds left to give the Chiefs a hard earned 12-10 win.

Both goaltenders made a number of remarkable saves as Six Nations out shot Peterborough 64-59.  Doug Jamieson recorded the win in nets for Six Nations.  The Chiefs were 1 for 8 on the powerplay whereas the Lakers went 2 for 7.

The game had good pace, great action and is the brand of lacrosse we will see the entire series. 

Goal scorers for the night included:

Six Nations

Dhane Smith – 3 goals; 3 assists

Shayne Jackson - 2 goals; 2 assists

Tehoka Nanticoke – 2 goals

Brendan Bomberry – 1 goal; 2 assists

Chris Cloutier – 1 goal,1 assist

Kevin Brownell, Jeremy Thompson, Tyson Bell – 1 goal each


Shawn Evans – 2 goals; 3 assists

Turner Evans – 2 goals; 1 assist

Josh Currier – 3 goals

Joe Restarits – 1 goal, 2 assists

Mark Matthews – 1 goal; 1 assist

Holden Cattoni – 1 goal; 1 assist

Game 2 of the series will be played Tuesday, August 20th in Six Nations.  Game time is 8:00 p.m.

You can watch the action at:
