Pierre Filion – The Face of Quebec Lacrosse
Pierre Filion – The Face of Quebec Lacrosse
“It was a privilege to be part of lacrosse”
Currently, a resident of Beloeil, Quebec, Pierre Filion was the face of lacrosse in Quebec for more than four decades. He is known across the lacrosse world as a man of integrity who gave a lifelong commitment to the game of lacrosse in a professional, diligent, efficient and passionate manner.
When informed that he is going to be inducted into the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame as part of the class of 2021, Mr. Filion replied he was “Very surprised. One certainly does not get involved in lacrosse thinking some day I will be in the Lacrosse Hall of Fame. Like many Builders, it was my passion and love for lacrosse that kept me involved. I always kept faith that the game could grow, particularly in Quebec. For me – lacrosse is simply the greatest sport and it deserved to be loved and I do love lacrosse. I am grateful for being nominated and thankful to those on the Selection Committee who felt I am worthy of this honor. I am very very happy to hear this incredible news.”
Pierre played lacrosse beginning in 1958 at the Peewee level and competed up to the Senior “B” level in 1967. His love for lacrosse continued after his days as a player ended with Pierre coaching teams from Bantam to Senior levels for the period of 1964-1979.
In 1975, he took on the position of Technical Director for the Québec Lacrosse Federation. His responsibilities included performing administrative, technical, and organizational needs for the entire province. In addition, Pierre convened annual Provincial Lacrosse Championships. His tireless efforts were instrumental to the establishment of lacrosse in numerous Quebec communities.
Beyond the province of Quebec, Pierre Filion served all of Canadian lacrosse when he was a member of the Canadian Lacrosse Association Executive from 1976-1986. Pierre served the CLA in other capacities including the role of Chair of Women’s Sector (1976-1987) and Chair of Inter-lacrosse Sector (1984 – 1990).
In 1987 he organized the Inter Crosse World Games (See Footnote 1 below), an annual non-political competition where players from National Delegations are divided by “luck of the draw” into “non-national” teams for game play.
In 1990 the United Nations awarded Pierre Filion the prestigious Pierre deCoubertin International Fair Play Award for the creation of the Inter Crosse World Games and his contribution towards cooperation and Peace Through Sports.
Between 1982 – 1984, Pierre introduced lacrosse in France, Belgium, Italy, Ivory Coast, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Mexico, Poland, Holland, Hungary and Haiti.
Furthermore, Pierre Filion was a consultant to three lacrosse teams that were part of attempts to establish professional lacrosse in Québec; the Montreal Québecois (1974 – 1975), the Québec Caribou (1974 – 1975) and Montreal Express (2001 – 2002).
Pierre Filion has represented himself, the game of lacrosse, the province of Quebec and the country of Canada is a manner that is exceptionally admirable. Respect begets respect and that is who Pierre Filion is. He is more than worthy to be inducted into the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame – Class of 2021 in the Builder category.
Footnote 1 – Inter crosse (also called soft stick lacrosse, softcrosse, modcrosse, or pop lacrosse) is a non-contact form of lacrosse using modified lacrosse equipment. An intercrosse stick is different from a normal lacrosse stick: the head is completely plastic while the head of a traditional stick has a pocket of synthetic mesh or leather and nylon string. The ball is larger, softer, and hollow, unlike a lacrosse ball, which is solid rubber.
(Rad Joseph is a writer for Major Series Lacrosse and he wrote this profile on Pierre Filion)